The end of the FBT year is fast approaching, and it is a good time to reflect on your FBT plans for 2016-17. Fringe benefits are benefits that you provide to your staff that fall outside the categories of traditional wages and salaries. Examples of common fringe benefits include cars,... read more →
The ATO is targeting those who rent out their property for a few weeks during the year but claim a full year’s worth of tax deductions. The tax office will be paying close attention to rental property owners, especially those who own a holiday home, who incorrectly claim for initial... read more →
There are a number of small business tax breaks that it pays to be aware of as the end of financial year approaches. We have compiled this brief overview to give you an idea about whether any of these will be beneficial to your business: Trading Stock Small businesses can... read more →
Hiring a new employee is an important decision with the potential to make or break your business. Hiring the wrong employee can cost your business a lot of time, money and productivity. Employers can benefit from spending more time on the recruitment process to ensure the candidate suitably matches the... read more →
Employers registered for GST may be able to claim GST credits for payments they make to reimburse employees or partners for work-related expenses. Individuals who run a business are entitled to a GST credit for an employee-reimbursed expense if: • the employee expense is directly related to their activities as... read more →
Businesses wishing to use environmental claims in their marketing strategy need to make sure their claims are honest, accurate and can be substantiated. Many customers will use environmental claims as a factor when evaluating a product. To avoid misleading or deceiving a customer, claims need to be scientifically sound and... read more →
At first glance, an employer’s responsibilities and obligations under superannuation law can seem complex. However, Australia’s superannuation rules are fairly straightforward once employers become accustomed to the rules and concepts. All employers must choose a default super fund for an employee’s Super Guarantee (SG) contributions. A default fund is a... read more →
Business owners preparing for the sale of their business can take advantage of the “going concern” exemption which allows a business to be sold GST-free. The supply of a going concern requires the seller to provide all things necessary for the continued trading of the enterprise in the foreseeable future.... read more →
In association with Pfeiffer Property we invite you to an information night, where we will show you: How to make Property Investment more Affordable by Maximising the Tax Benefits! Property is the most popular investment product in the market place and when done strategically, it can prove to be very... read more →