May 25

Budget focus on stimulating small business activity

The Budget has introduced a number of measures for small businesses designed to revive investment and support entrepreneurship and startups. Tax cuts The Government has followed through with its announced 1.5 per cent tax cut for small businesses with an annual turnover of less than $2 million, which will take... read more →
May 21

2015 budget outlook for individuals and families

The 2015 Budget made sweeping changes for individual taxpayers and families with its focus on improving the economy. Car expense deductions The Budget has introduced new modernised methods for calculating work-related car expense deductions from the 2015/16 income year. The ‘12 per cent of original value method’ and the ‘one-third... read more →
May 19

Upcoming ATO compliance targets

Every year, the ATO announces a number of compliance targets that will be subject to additional scrutiny. It always pays to be aware of these focuses, as non-compliance is, more often than not, the result of an honest mistake as opposed to willful deception. Unfortunately, an honest mistake can still... read more →
May 14

SMSF’s at end of financial year

The compliance requirements for SMSFs at end of financial year are extremely stringent, and it is important for trustees to be acutely aware of their responsibilities. Of course, your accountant is there to help you out, but you should always aim to have a robust understanding of your SMSF’s reporting... read more →
May 12

Federal Budget News 2015-16

Please find below a summary of the significant announcements from the Federal Government's 2015 Budget issued on Tuesday 12 May 2015. There are a great deal of changes in this budget; however for those that satisfy the definition of a small business (with a turnover less than $2million) there are some... read more →
May 11

Capital gains at end of financial year

The end of financial year is a good time to think about your capital gains and losses for the year. Timing and planning are everything when it comes to minimising your CGT bill and making the most out of your investment returns. Capital gains tax (CGT) is incurred when a... read more →
May 05

Surviving the run up to June 30

Every small business owner knows the stress that comes with the end of financial year. A lot of valuable time and energy gets poured into getting your paperwork in order and making sure that you’re minimising your tax bill as much as possible. The good news is that there is... read more →
May 01

Getting ready for year end

Effective planning and preparation is critical for all taxpayers as the end of financial year approaches. The good news is that your tax professional is here to support you, so you don’t have to do all of the heavy lifting yourself. This is the perfect time of the year to... read more →
Apr 16
Apr 10

Five pre-retirement super traps you should avoid

Is your retirement just around the corner? Then it’s time to make your super work harder by avoiding these common pre-retirement super traps and start planning. 1. Outdated investment strategies As you approach retirement, you should revisit your investment strategy. But that doesn’t necessarily mean putting all your money into... read more →