Determining whether payments to a contractor are covered by the superannuation guarantee (‘SG’) regime can be a vexed and difficult... read more →
Employees who cease work with your business may be entitled to an employment termination payment (ETP). An ETP is a... read more →
Those who sell their business or transfer part or all of their ownership are required to cancel or transfer their... read more →
To prevent a hefty tax bill and maximise profit, careful planning is required. Owners need to be mindful of the... read more →
Are you selling your products on Pinterest? If so let us know your thoughts on whether it’s a worthwhile platform... read more →
Designing, creating and maintaining a website for your business can be complicated. This is why many of today’s small businesses... read more →
Many people use the Christmas/New Year period to reflect on the year that has just passed, often in a blur,... read more →
Business owners and employees who travel internationally for business-related trips can claim travel expenses as a tax deduction. If the... read more →
If your negatively geared property is beginning to create some serious cash flow problems, there is a way you can... read more →
With new business market saturation expected to occur over the next five years, businesses should consider whether a merger is... read more →