CGT issues for the granny flat

Due to rising house prices, the humble granny flat has become a popular investment property strategy for homeowners and investors seeking to maximise returns on existing properties. However, there are... read more →

Tax shortfall disclosure commended

The Commissioner of Taxation is encouraging taxpayers to declare tax shortfalls at their own discretion. Usually, an underpayment in tax will incur a serious penalty on top of interest. However,... read more →

Fuel tax credit rate increase

The fuel tax credit scheme plays a vital role in sustaining the production of goods and services in regional Australia by providing a credit for the tax included in the... read more →

Getting your GST right

The ATO has announced that one of its compliance focuses for the upcoming year will be GST compliance. The program will involve a combination of compliance and education to help... read more →

Winding down your business

Are you considering winding down your business? There are many reasons that business owners may decide to exit their business, but in every case there are tax and superannuation considerations... read more →