As personal technology devices such as laptops, smartphones and tablets, are becoming increasingly prevalent, the ATO will be focusing its attention on individuals claiming personal technology as work-related tax deductions.... read more →
It is common for businesses to make GST errors in their BAS. The majority of these mistakes are unintentional. The ATO recently reviewed all of the BAS adjustments made as... read more →
Introduction A common strategy implemented by business clients is to acquire business real property (usually the premises from which their business is run) via their SMSF and then lease this... read more →
If your business has a bad debt, that is a debt that you have taken all reasonable steps to recover, but appears unlikely to be paid, then it is possible... read more →
Employers pay FBT on certain benefits they provide to their employees or their employees’ associates. Offering employees competitive salary packages can be key to the success of a business. It... read more →
As part of an attempt to boost the participation of older Australians in the workforce, the federal government is offering wage subsidies for older employees of up to $10 000... read more →
Electronic payslips are becoming an increasingly attractive option for employers as they allow for ease of delivery and can significantly reduce administrative costs. Employers are required to provide employees with... read more →
Energy costs can be an enormous drain on your resources, and it is more than likely that the cost of electricity will continue to rise. This article will give you... read more →
When carried out effectively, formalised staff performance reviews can be beneficial for both you and your employees. It is an opportunity for you to demonstrate how much you appreciate your... read more →
From 1 August 2014 changes to credit card payments will come into affect and Australians will no longer be able to use their signature to verify credit card purchases. Chip... read more →