Be careful of automatic renewals in contracts Businesses should remain vigilant when entering contracts that contain automatic renewal clauses. An automatic renewal clause can lock a business into an unsatisfactory... read more →
A recent legal case in the Victorian Supreme Court has highlighted the importance of ensuring that the correct GST clause is used in business contracts. A properly drafted GST... read more →
With so many businesses now being run from home, the ATO is eager to ensure that those claiming tax deductions do so correctly. Talk with our accountants abour your home business tax... read more →
Here's some useful year end tips from our accountants. To find out more about year end strategies ask for our year end strategy newsletter or speak with one of our... read more →
TAX FOCUS: COMMON FBT EXEMPTIONS With the Fringe Benefits Tax deadline fast approaching, small businesses should review some of the key FBT issues. The FBT for the year ending 31... read more →