Online reviews need to be managed appropriately since they can influence the purchasing behaviour of customers and a business's overall reputation. Online reviews provide information about your business’s products and... read more →
Implementing healthy habits in the workplace is the cornerstone for improving productivity, concentration and ensuring long term health and wellbeing. The work you do, whether laboursome or sedentary, has an... read more →
Hiring a new employee is an important decision with the potential to make or break your business. Hiring the wrong employee can cost your business a lot of time, money... read more →
Businesses wishing to use environmental claims in their marketing strategy need to make sure their claims are honest, accurate and can be substantiated. Many customers will use environmental claims as... read more →
Business owners preparing for the sale of their business can take advantage of the “going concern” exemption which allows a business to be sold GST-free. The supply of a going... read more →
Employees who cease work with your business may be entitled to an employment termination payment (ETP). An ETP is a lump sum payment that must be made within 12 months... read more →
Those who sell their business or transfer part or all of their ownership are required to cancel or transfer their business name. Some instances where you may need to transfer... read more →
With new business market saturation expected to occur over the next five years, businesses should consider whether a merger is their optimal exit strategy. Company mergers differ according to the... read more →
For those who operate their business through a company or a trust, there may be times when you need to provide a personal guarantee. A personal guarantee is a written... read more →
The mention of contracts elicits fear in the minds of many who are overwhelmed by the numerous hurdles involved in signing a legal document. A contract is a formal agreement,... read more →