Superannuation can be one of the most baffling topics when it comes to managing our finances so let’s relate looking for the right fund to something that might be more... read more →
The ATO has identified that businesses in the supermarket, bakery, computer system design and car retailing industries often need more help meeting their tax and super obligations. From July 2016,... read more →
Most people can choose to own life insurance themselves, or to set up this insurance through their superannuation fund. But this is not just a simple decision - the way... read more →
A client who runs his own engineering business came to see me last week. Barry was in a bit of a state. He told me it had suddenly dawned on... read more →
Are you considering winding down your business? There are many reasons that business owners may decide to exit their business, but in every case there are tax and superannuation considerations... read more →
For many employers, it can be easy to forget the responsibility of managing your super obligations amidst the busy lifestyle of managing a business or company. However, those who fail... read more →
There will be no changes to the super contributions caps for the 2015/16 year. Limits will remain the same as last year: Concessional (before tax) contribution cap (age as at 30... read more →
The compliance requirements for SMSFs at end of financial year are extremely stringent, and it is important for trustees to be acutely aware of their responsibilities. Of course, your accountant... read more →
The past year has seen important changes in the area of employment laws. It is essential that all employers are up-to-date with these changes and are taking the necessary... read more →
Business owners need to be aware of the difference between an employee and a contractor so that they are able to meet their tax and superannuation requirements. It is illegal... read more →